
3 Precautions To Help Keep Your Dentures In Good Shape

If you have recently been fitted with dentures, you may be excited about the new look of your smile. However, in order for your dentures to remain in great shape, some precautions should be observed. Here are a few of them: Rinse your dentures with cold water after eating. Although your dentures may look completely smooth, the false teeth of your appliance are still porous. Dark pigments and colorants from the foods and drinks that you ingest can be absorbed by the dentures and cause permanent staining. Read More 

Why Do Meth Addicts Have Such Terrible Teeth?

Perhaps you've seen pictures of methamphetamine addicts and noticed that their teeth are atrocious. Or maybe you know someone in person who uses meth and has awful teeth. It's easy to think the same won't happen to you if you start taking this drug. You may figure you'll take better care of your teeth than that, or that it's just a coincidence all those other meth users have terrible dental problems. Read More 

Dentist Or DIY: Which Teeth Whitening Method Is Superior?

If your teeth aren't as white as you would like them to be and you're interested in teeth whitening, then you may be trying to decide whether you should attempt it at home or go to your dentist. This can be a difficult decision, especially because there are so many seemingly high quality products currently on the market. Here are some tips for determining whether it is best to have your teeth whitened at your dentist or if store-bought kits are best:  Read More 

Two Dental Implant Myths That Could Be Hurting Your Smile

One of the best ways to replace missing or damaged teeth is to get dental implants. They're generally sturdy and work just like regular teeth, since they are implanted directly into the jaw bone. Unfortunately, the people who can benefit the most from these appliances are often put off from getting them because of things they may have heard about the procedure or implants. Here's the truth about two myths associated with dental implants to help alleviate your concern about getting these false teeth. Read More 

Get Help From A Restorative Dentist

There are certain diseases which can cause your teeth to end up in bad shape. For example, chemotherapy treatments for cancer can destroy the enamel on your teeth, which will leave your teeth vulnerable to things like cavities and infections. If you have had some kind of illness that has damaged your teeth, you can go see a restorative dentist to get help to get your teeth back. Restorative Dentist Read More