Dental Tips During A Move
A move to a new city or state requires lots of planning, and one thing you don't want to overlook is your family's dental care. This is especially important if you have children that have begun to lose their baby teeth, since regular dental visits are a must to make sure everything is growing in properly. It's also important if you have any ongoing dental concerns, such as periodontal disease. The following tips will help you maintain your dental health both during and after the move.
Tip #1: Schedule Final Appointments
It's a good idea to have a final appointment with your dentist before you move. First, this buys you some time to settle into your new home before you have to find a new provider, since those with healthy mouths usually go six months between appointments. It also allows your dentist to treat any problems that are forming, such as a new cavity or a loose crown, so you won't be dealing with any mouth pain during or immediately following your move.
Tip #2: Make Records Arrangements
Your new dentist will need a copy of your dental records and your last available x-rays. Many offices may charge a fee to release and make a dental record copy, so be prepared to pay it. Sometimes the fee is reduced or waived if the provider is allowed to email the records to your new dental office. At your final dental appointment with your current dentist, ask what the records release policy entails. You maybe given release forms to present for your new dentist to send in, or they may accept a form and payment for the records to keep on file until you contact them with the name of the dentist that you are releasing the records to.
Tip #3: Keep On Top Of Hygiene
While adults likely won't have trouble remembering to brush their teeth and floss during the chaos of the move, children may forget their daily habit when their routine is disturbed. As the parent, make sure you issue morning and evening reminders – even to younger teens. Consider purchasing some travel dental kits to keep on hand, especially if you are moving a long distance. This way you are prepared when someone forgets their toothbrush at a hotel.
Tip #4: Find a New Dentist
Although finding a new dentist probably isn't the first thing you will do when you get into your new home, you do want to begin looking relatively soon. If you are on a 6 month check-up cycle and you have a cleaning right before you move, month three after your move is a good time to start looking. This gives you a couple of months to research dentists, along with ensuring the dentist has time to schedule you in. Keep in mind, some popular dentist are booked a couple of months out. You can ask your old dentist for referrals. Coworkers, parents at your children's school, and online reviews are good places to begin the search for your new dentist.
To learn more, contact a dentist like Image Dentistry.