Potential Concerns With No-Shots/No-Drilling Veneers
There are two major methods of bonding veneers onto teeth. The traditional/preparation method involves drilling away some tooth enamel before bonding the veneers. The no-preparation method, which uses ultra-thin veneers, doesn't involve drilling the enamel. The latter is also known as the "no shots and no drill" technique because you don't need an anesthetic shot if your treatment doesn't involve drilling. It is a favorite of many people who don't want to bother with the initial preparation, but it does have its drawbacks. Here are four examples of such drawbacks.
Since the method doesn't involve drilling, it adds some bulk to teeth, even if the veneers used are extremely thin. This may not be a problem for some people, but you may not be happy about it if you prefer dainty teeth. Are you afraid that your buddies may term your teeth as bulbous or horse-like after getting veneers? If your answer is yes, then the no-preparation method may not be the right one for you.
Complications with Dental Cleaning
Placing veneers without enamel drilling changes the contours of your teeth. It makes it difficult to clean the part of the teeth that lies at the edge of the veneer. The area between your gums and veneer then becomes susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease, which can spread to other parts of your teeth.
Ultra-thin veneers may not give your teeth the natural whiteness that many people love. You will understand why this might be the case once you understand why natural teeth have the color they do. When light shines on your natural teeth, it passes through the translucent outermost layer and reflects off the inner layer. Conventional veneers, which require preparation, mimic this effect because they are also translucent. Ultra-thin veneers, however, cannot achieve the same effect because they are opaque. Therefore, it's difficult to achieve the natural color of your teeth using the no-preparation technique.
Changes in Teeth Functions
Apart from chewing food, your teeth also help you to speak. By the time you reach adulthood, you have adapted to your teeth's sizes so that you can pronounce words properly and bite into food with ease. When veneers increase your teeth's sizes, they also affect these associated functions. Thus, you may find yourself lisping, even if you never had the problem before your cosmetic treatment.
These are some of the reasons why contouring is advisable before placing veneers. However, it doesn't mean that you should never have no-preparation veneers; a consultation with a dentist like those at Staller & Gandel D.D.S will help you to understand how to manage these risks.